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Hi Im Suzanne,

I am an artist, weaver, botanical printer, floral crafter & earth lover! I live with my husband, two kids and our border collie on the South Devon coast.

I’m the founder of Nest & Burrow, an idea inspired by my love of nature ~ it truly is my medicine.

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I have been working with pure wool for over a decade, creating textural designs to cosy up homes all over the world.

Whilst living in Australia (we returned to the UK in 2012) I discovered Merino Wool and instantly fell in love with its amazing qualities. After the birth of my first child in 2009 I developed my passion into a home run business. I design OOAK wall hanging collections and private commissions.

In 2017 I began teaching weaving. Having loved running workshops in my previous career with the World-Wide Fund for Nature it was time to combine that love with creativity for personal well-being.

After moving to Devon I began to learn about botanical printing on textiles and have also started teaching workshops at our beautiful local flower farm in South Milton.

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I’m passionate about changing the world.

And one extremely impactful way to do that is to empower women.

My belief is that by encouraging women to take more time out for themselves, and through the exploration and development of their creativity, they can truly get to know themselves and their dreams and not only weave a beautiful piece of art but reach into the true potential of their life.

"I am passionate about helping women explore and develop their creativity."

And I do that by

wherever you are on your creative journey, I invite you to join me and take a step further

you never know what magic awaits ….